ROAR Logistics Inc.(ROAR) requires business partners (such as suppliers, contractors, and carrier partners), to meet specific written requirements. Our expectations include complying with all applicable laws and regulations of both the location offices and selling of company services.

ROAR is committed to eliminating slavery and human trafficking in its Supply Chain and prohibits its employees from using involuntary labor, whether bonded, prison, military, or indentured labor, including debt servitude with respect to any aspect of its operations. This important commitment is reflected in the Company’s Code of Conduct.

ROAR Associates are prohibited from employing child labor, consistent with the principles contained in the International Labour Organization’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This commitment is also reflected in the Company’s Code of Conduct.

ROAR requires all management associates to periodically review and certify their continued compliance with its Code of Conduct, including its prohibitions against human trafficking and slavery.

ROAR is continuously improving our internal policies and practices