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1) When did you begin working at ROAR Logistics and what made you want to work there?

I started working at ROAR Logistics in June of 2017. I got hired right after I graduated from college where I attended Niagara University in Lewiston, NY. I heard about ROAR while I was at a job fair at Niagara and was very intrigued about this place and the possibility of starting my professional career here. I didn’t really know what logistics was or what it entailed, but after my interview and visiting the office, I knew this was a place where I wanted to be. Over the five years I have worked at ROAR, I have made countless friendships with fellow associates and carrier partners that will last a lifetime. For that, I will be forever grateful.

2) What is your job title and describe your position at ROAR Logistics: 

I am currently in a Carrier Procurement Representative role at ROAR. I am responsible for booking, dispatching and tracking shipments daily while continuing to develop and maintain relationships with our current carriers and new carriers to ROAR. Having quick problem solving and multitasking skills are crucial to being successful every day. I am always working in the moment, while working ahead at the same time. In the blink of an eye, it can get busy and seem like there is a lot going on. My experience helps me in these situations to remain calm and handle one thing at a time effectively and with care.

3) How have you grown in your position / how do you hope to grow in the future?

I have learned so much over the five years that I have worked at ROAR. I have learned the day-to-day operations of our company and how this industry works. I have built carrier partnerships that I cherish. I have learned about our customers’ needs and desires and I do my best every day. I challenge myself to learn something new each day so I can handle each situation and task I am faced with. I currently am studying for the CTB (Certified Trained Broker) exam. There are roughly 2,800 current certified brokers in the country with 80 of those being in New York State. Getting this certification would be a big accomplishment for me.

4) Describe what it’s like working on a team at ROAR and how this has been beneficial to you:

Working together on a team is always something I have thrived at. I enjoy being a team player and helping my fellow associates out at any chance I have. I am one of the longest tenured associates at ROAR so any knowledge or feedback I have from my experiences here, I am happy to share with everyone. Everyone looks out for one another here and will step up to give assistance at any given time. When someone from the team is out, everyone makes sure we don’t miss a beat. Having regular quick team chats, that are active daily, help us all to make speedy accurate decisions.

5) What is the craziest challenge you’ve had to overcome on the job?

This industry is constantly changing. Different trends in the market, volumes of freight, new lanes, new customers, seasonal impacts, supply and demand, and much more, all play factors which affect our daily operations. A lot of these factors, if not all, are things that I personally cannot control. I just need to be aware and adjust as they change and grow. This is something that requires time and practice. Every day is a little bit different, which is something I love. Learning to be flexible with these changes and being able to multitask helps aid me in being successful here. Preparing myself for each situation and having confidence in what I do helps me immensely as well.