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When did you begin working at ROAR Logistics and what made you want to work there?

I began working at ROAR in October of 2022. My friend and fellow co-worker Dave H. referred me here after talking about how I wanted a change of pace from what I was doing previously. When talking to him about ROAR, he described it in one word… “Electric”. He wasn’t wrong, the environment and the people here fulfill the “electric” description. Once I had interviewed and got to see the office in person, I knew that this would be the right fit for me. Since being here, it has lived up to the hype. I enjoy coming to work every day and being part of the team we have here at ROAR. There is never a dull moment here, and every day brings something new.

What is your job title and describe your position at ROAR Logistics:

I am currently a Logistics Coordinator here at ROAR Logistics. I am responsible for booking, dispatching, and tracking shipments daily while building relationships with current carriers and new carriers to ROAR. Building relationships with these carriers is the most important part of my job in my opinion. Being able to rely on a carrier to take shipments and provide excellent service to our customers is the name of the game. Without these relationships it makes our job more difficult, so building and maintaining relationships with carriers is the key to our success.

How have you grown in your position / how do you hope to grow in the future?

I came to ROAR with minimal knowledge of the industry. From day one I have listened to my peers and have acquired as much knowledge as possible to become proficient at my job. Every day I learn something knew about this business. Looking back from day one to now, I have come a long way as far as the knowledge that I have gained in this industry. As far as the future, I look to develop as many carriers as possible to make my day-to-day life easier. It is much easier calling a couple carriers that you have developed rather than calling 20 different carriers to take one load. Like I’ve said before this business is all about relationships, so I hope to grow more relationships with carriers to help me grow and succeed in the future.

Describe what it’s like working on a team at ROAR and how this has been beneficial to you:

I love working on a team at ROAR. I grew up playing basketball and football, so being on a team at work is something that I really enjoy. Whether it be sports or work, having a team to be able to lean on or ask questions is very helpful. I’m currently on the Midwest team in our OTR division and we have a great group of people with the same common goal. It also helps having a team lead (Mike H.) that is very knowledgeable and invested in our success. He is always cracking jokes and making the day fun. It really feels like we are a family. Whether we are joking or jarring with each other, at the end of the day we always have each other’s back.

What is the craziest challenge you’ve had to overcome on the job?

The craziest challenge I personally have had to overcome is adjusting to the changing market. Recently volume has dropped as well as rates on our freight. It’s something that is totally out of our control, but we have to deal with. Having conversations with carriers and telling them we can’t pay them the same rate that we did a month ago or even as little as a week ago is something that has been challenging for sure. It is something that everyone here is adjusting to but at the end of the day it is what it is and the show must go on!